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When “Normal” Can’t Be Found

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:56 

 Life isn’t normal right now. Schools and businesses are shuttered. Hospitals are overrun. Medical professionals: overworked.  

 The pictures splashed across the nightly news bring heartbreak … and watching the number of deaths from COVID-19 climb to unimaginable heights across our country and around the world is devastating.  

 For the foreseeable future, this is our new reality. It’s our upside-down, inside-out “understanding” of the world we live in. And it’s overwhelming! Can you see why God says we must trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding?  

 Our understanding, especially in the times in which we find ourselves, is a mess  and it easily leads to feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and fear.   

 God, however, is ever steady in the storm. Our firm foundation. He is now and forevermore in control of the universe. The Coronavirus crisis is not a surprise to Him!  

 In fact, if we take a minute to reflect on the last days and weeks of uncertainty in the world, God’s hand of goodness and guidance can clearly be seen.  

 Many people are flocking to online church services, serving their “neighbors” from afar, giving generously to benevolent charities, seeking creative ways to maintain distance while meeting burgeoning needs.  

 Family members living under the same roof are spending time together, healing broken relationships and deepening bonds 

 Only time will tell all that God will do to show Himself faithful and true in the midst of this hardship. 

 While we wait on His perfect timing, let’s be diligent and committed to trusting Him in all our ways, as the scripture commands. To looking past our worldly circumstances to our Heavenly Father, faithfully seeking His wisdom and guidance. To finding hope in Him, when despair might be easier to come by.  

 And instead of throwing ourselves into endless “striving” from behind computer screens to make up for lost business and productivity, let’s make time daily to just sit with Jesus! Draw life from the Living Well, learn more of Him.  

 Allow Him to guide us into how to respond to the uncontrollable circumstances of lifeHe’s faithful to His Word. He’ll do what He promised!  

 My prayer this week — Lord, help me to trust wholly in YOU instead of leaning into my finite understanding. Your ways are higher — your strength is greater! Help me daily seek your face and learn from you. Read your Word. Pray with compassion and conviction. Gain your wisdom, so that I might work  serve  encourage others  and function within your planned purpose for me. Help me acknowledge you in every area of my life so that my way is clear — my paths straight.