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Have Faith

Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.’ And her daughter was healed at that moment.”  Matthew 15:28 

 There’s a sweet Mother’s Day story that goes like this:  

A little boy forgot his lines in a Sunday school presentation. His mother was in the front row to prompt him.

She formed the words silently with her lips, but it didn’t help. Finally, mom leaned forward and whispered,

“I am the light of the world.” The boy’s face lit up and with great feeling and a loud, clear voice he proclaimed

“My mother is the light of the world.” 

Funny, but true! This Mother’s Day, we celebrate godly moms and all they do to make our world a better and brighter place to live. 

 Let’s face it, though, most moms don’t receive near the praise they deserve.  

 Thankfully, God did not forget about mothers in the Bible. Matthew 15:21-28 shares an excellent example of a mother of faith, and the difference her belief in the Lord made in the life of her child. Here’s what makes her worthy example to us all… 

 She went to the right person. 

  There are thousands of “self-help” books out there on every topic under the sun. While these books certainly offer helpful advice, NOTHING replaces God’s Word.  

 Jesus is the right person to help you deal with the pressures of life. He will give you the strength, courage, and wisdom to take each step, make each decision, and experience peace in the process. Seek Him first. 

 She would not be overcome by discouragement.  

 Don’t let discouragement stop you from doing what you know is necessary, and completing the tasks (from the workplace to your church to your home) God has given you to do. Refuel and recharge as needed … and keep on keeping on! 

She persisted in the right way

Sometimes we are determined to have our voice heard, but we go about it all the wrong wayWrong attitudes surface, leading to negative words, anger, bitterness, and strife.  

 Check your heart attitude! As you live in faith, trust completely in the One who holds you fast. Be persistent  with patience, kindness, and grace.

Being a godly mother (or father, or leader, or worker) is not always easy. However, faith in Jesus leads to reward. God will do what He promised.  


My prayer this week—Lord, help me be faithful. If I fail, help me get back up with your strength. Help me forgive quickly and rely on you completely. Thank you for your love, mercy, and grace, new every day. Help me to keep on believing in you!