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An answer to the question “Why?”

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” 2 Peter 3:18 

 When God does what He does, permissively allowing hardship, we are not always given insight into the “Why?” And because we cannot see the end from the beginning in our own strength, this compounds our pain! Grief on top of grief. Suffering multiplied.  

 Why can’t I pay my bills? 

 Why did my loved one die? 

 Lord, is there a reason for the brokenness in my marriage? Between me and my children? In my friendships? 

 Must I bear the burden of cancer, or some other physical infirmity?  

 And, recently, we’ve all asked, “WHY a global pandemic? Bitter racial unrest? Economic turmoil? Political upheaval?”  

 We seek the Lord for answers. Cry out to Him for purpose and understanding. And, sometimes, He remains silent. 

 Maybe in times like these you’ve prayed for a burning bush experience. You know, the one where the bush was not consumed by the flames? And the Lord’s voice spoke out of it to offer clear direction and miraculous signs of His intent?  

 Amid suffering, even when you don’t think you are hearing from God, there is a simple truth: 

 God is there. He’s not ignoring you … He hasn’t fled the scene, and He won’t  no matter how challenging it becomes.  

 Might it be that His plan is simply to bring you to the end of yourself, so that you might draw closer to Him? Could it be that there is no greater purpose than to run to Jesus, where perfect peace, hope, and joy are found? 

 God wants us to grow in faith and knowledge of Him. He wants us to seek Him, lean on Him, and derive our contentment and joy from Him.  

 Don’t keep searching for answers. No striving is necessary. Rest in Him. Find the complete joy of the Spirit-filled life, even in times of sorrow, as you study His Word, pray without ceasing, and lay your burdens at His feet. 


My prayer this week—Lord, bring me to the end of myself, so I can be filled completely with your Holy Spirit! You are the living Word, the source of all joy. Help me find hope in my suffering and pain, that you, who began a good work in me, will see it through to completion, as your Word says.