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Deeds of Love and Mercy

Doing justice necessitates striking a series of balances. It means ministering in both word and deed, through the local church and as individual agents dispersed throughout the world. It means engaging in relief, and development, and reform. We do all this only because we learn from the Bible that the causes of poverty are complex, but also because the gospel of Christ gives us such an arsenal of different weapons against the forces of injustice and deprivation in the world. But none of the weapons is a literal weapon. That is not the kind of warfare we wage. As the well-known hymn says, ‘’Tis not with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums, but deeds of love and mercy, the heav’nly kingdom comes.’ 

  Timothy Keller in
“Generous Justice” 


My prayer this week: Thank you, Lord, for calling me to do your work in this world. To resist injustice and deprivation … not with the weapons of this world, but with the weapons you provide: deeds of love and mercy, which point a lost world to you. Thank you for the privilege of shining your light in the darkness