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A Friend of God

“The whole meaning of prayer is that we may know God.”  Oswald Chambers 


The Bible directs us: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). 

Our reason to rejoice is not just because our future salvation is sure, that weve been delivered from eternal punishment by the finished work of Jesus Christ—although that would certainly be enough!  

But we also have cause to rejoice and to continue rejoicing in the present—where we are today—in a new and wonderful relationship with our God.  

Hes called our Heavenly Father. This is a term of endearment, not some distant acquaintance, but an intimate closeness which is in view.  

Just as in assuring our future salvation, its the finished work of Christ that removed every barrier standing between us and God. He has reconciled us and restored our relationship so we can be close to the Father 

“For if, while we were Gods enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation” (Romans 5:10-11). 

Gods ultimate invitation to a friendship with Him was in sending His Son to pay the price for our sin so we who believe could be called His children. To seal His presence in us, He sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in us. 

God continually invites us to respond to His love and desire for fellowship. He longs to love us as only He can, and He wants us to know Him in all of His fullness. His commandment to us is Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength (Deuteronomy 6:5).  

Relationships are a two-way street. Our Heavenly Father has removed all the barriers in Christ so we can be close. He invites us to come close. For our part, are we investing in the relationship? Are we moving toward the Father? Are we getting to know Him in prayer and by reading the Word? Are we rejoicing in our friendship with God? 


My prayer this weekFather, I do rejoice in my restored relationship with you! I recognize its all because of what Jesus has done for me. Please draw me closer to you. In our closeness, Father, will you reveal more of yourself to me? Will you fill me to overflowing with the joy that such friendship with you brings?